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Road Safety

Creating a Safe and Secure Road Network: A Comprehensive Guide


Road safety plays a crucial role in safeguarding the lives and well-being of road users. The National Council for Road Safety is dedicated to promoting a safe and secure road network for all.

Key Concepts:

  • Road traffic safety encompasses measures to prevent fatalities and severe injuries.
  • Typical road users include pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
  • The United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety aims to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries significantly.

National Council for Road Safety: Mission and Role


The National Council for Road Safety is the leading public sector institution in the country focused on creating a safe and secure road network.


  • Develop and implement national road safety policies.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to minimize road-related inconveniences.
  • li>Work closely with NGOs and the private sector to enhance road safety initiatives.

Importance of Road Safety

Road traffic accidents result in significant loss of life and economic costs. Implementing effective road safety measures is essential to:

  • Save lives and prevent injuries.
  • Reduce healthcare expenses.
  • Enhance economic productivity.
  • Foster a safer living environment for all.


Creating a safe and secure road network requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders. The National Council for Road Safety plays a vital role in developing and implementing national road safety policies, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and raising awareness about the importance of road safety. By working together, we can create a safer road environment for all users.
